in another thread i mentioned the startling overlap between trolling and the ways politicians handle the press during crises

want to know how some politicians play you?

here's a mini field guide to ten strategies so you can go spot some trollitics out there in the wild

i'll use just one politician (literally no prizes for guessing who) and one crisis (seriously, no prizes) but you’ll find this stuff being deployed by all kinds of figures to deal with all kinds of awkward shit worldwide

and you'll recognise plenty of these tactics already

remember: i distilled all these strategies - plus others - from years of analysing *trolling*, and then found how well they account for political (and other) crisis management

makes me wonder what i'm worth as a Dr-Evil-in-ur-Ear™ consultant, a la @MrMichaelSpicer🤔

AAAANYway, yes, i really did do this for a phd

it meant i got to spend about five years on the internet reading my favourite online groups without feeling guilty don’t judge me I’m weak okay MOVING ON…

do we *already* live in the era of the trollitician?

let’s find out

strategy 5: endanger - throw out some seriously questionable or outright dangerous advice

up till recently i hadn't seen many examples of this one, but then… well, i think we all know where this one is going

strategy 8: diminish – reframe it as a joke or a misunderstanding. become one with schrodinger's douchebag. play it all down

(this is a favourite of predators, abusers, and fraudsters, btw, to find both victims and co-conspirators/enablers)

strategy 10: aggress. tear down. get personal, mean, nasty. threaten. encourage others to dogpile. incite hatred and even violence

to conclude, this is all essentially the @SparkNotes (love you guys) version of ch6 of my thesis, but just the "what trolls do" bits

for the “yes but how the fuck should I respond to shit like this?!” episode, tune in at some later point in the indeterminate future

somehow i managed to... not add this properly?! anyway, as promised:
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