Lanterns are Lit

#3988 = 19

Date: 26:04:2020 = 8:8 = 16

Time: 5:38:57 = 17:11 = 19

19:16:19 = 54 ~ 45 (9)

Potus #45

Lanterns are Lit

#3988 = 19👇
26:04:2020 = 16
5:38:57 = 19

#3987 = 18
18:04:2020 = 17
1:30:12 = 16

26 - 18 = 8 Days
5:38:57 - 1:30:12 = 4:8:45
4:8:9 = 21 = 3 (123)
8:21 = 29 (9:11)

8:4:8:9 = 9:11
8day 4hr 8 min 45 sec

29 April 2020?

29:04:2020 = 11:8 = 19 ☝

Lanterns are Lit

#3988 = 19 #QAnon
Twitter made it difficult to paste that link, also wouldn’t open the twitter link directly from the QDrop @realDonaldTrump #QAnon
Lanterns are Lit

#3988 = 19*

29:04:2020 = 11:8 = 19*

Day of the Year = 120 = 12 (3)
Days remaining = 246 = 12 (3)
12 = 3 (123)

Lanterns were unlit 8 days ago

#3987 #QAnon
Twitter again wiped my tweet before posting onto this thread @realDonaldTrump #QAnon
You can follow @Askcoding.
Tip: mention @twtextapp on a Twitter thread with the keyword “unroll” to get a link to it.

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