In 2005, a panel of INDEPENDENT historians to view historical proofs submitted by BOTH Turkey & Armenia to uncover what REALLY happened in 1915, Armenia declined.
KimK is just one of the bad faith propagandists.
I'll put vids on this thread for people who care about history.
The background of 1914-1915
Implications if Turkey accepts to use the imposed genocide for 1914-1915 events by countries like France.

Ignore the silly title, just watched the video. I spent quite a lot of time finding them as not many Western historian talk about this.
Short snippets to the background of 1914-1915

Honest interview, not bad but rare.
Important note: it is "İttihatçı" and Young Turks who were responsible for the incidents and atrocities in Anatolia. Armanians died, as well as Turks.
Abdulhamid II was weak and had almost no control over the army. Ottoman State, "sick man of Europe" was collapsing.
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