A side note for thoes exols using the #SuperMDisbandParty tag to try and get exo better promotions... Just No!

The tag should be used to help all the mebers of all the groups involved in SuperM because It's not just exo and exols getting screwed by the company.
Mark- HE IS OVERWORKED. He is in all three Units of NCT (127, U and will be added back to Dream). This is all alongside SuperM. NCT 127 is also doing a concert in the upcoming weeks.

Either this man is a GOD, or he just has some bloody good stamina.
Taeyong- Also overworked. More often than not he is found in 127 and U. I Stan NCT (i am fairly new), I've heard he has some solo songs prepared.

I've seen people drag him for just looking quite cold. If you watch any of his v-lives or youtube compilation, he is the opposite.
Taemin- Has he had a break??? Like seriously. Not only has he lost someone incredibly close to him, but his other band members are currently in the army. He has singularly carried SHINees name, & created his own content.

He will enlist soon as well. SHINee comback? We dont know

Like yes, He's handsome, He knows. But He has his own rap style that is suited to his personality- it's fun and bubbly! He is multi-lingual and with the right promotions and vocal training, COULD BE A HIT HERE IN THE WEST!
Baekhyun- now we are touching Exo. Baek is really in SuperM for his vocals, lets be real. He's one of the more standout members of the group.

Baekhyun also seems to have quite a large fanbase in the west on his own. For all we know, 2020 COULS ACTUALLY BE EXO HAVING A BREAK!
Ten- Ten is so underutilised. Is a Major member of WAYV and can also be found in NCT U.

His vocals and dance skills are amazing! T7S, Baby don't Stop, and New Heros- 100% BOPS. they show him off as someone eho can really fit every concept and group/solo dynamic.

He can dance, he can Sing, He can rap. CONFESSION IS THAT BITCH! He is also another of the more standout members of exo, due to the way he dances. Kai can come off as intimidating, but is really sweet!

Why must SM underuse some of their best talents?
So the #SuperMDisbandParty shoukd be used to get these guys the recognition they deserve and give some of them less to work on all the time.

This isnt just about promotions and Comebacks, this is about the health, Safety,and level of human rights given to them as idols.
We nees to make SM see that There is more to these idols than just the fans money.

There are tons of opportunities for them to make MORE money than online concerts or cheap merch or withholding promotions. Sign Deals with other companies, Create reality Tv shows, SOLOS!!!
Instead of taking it out on fans who want to make the concert accessible to everyone, or begging an unforgiving company for more promos; We need SM to go for thoes who attack, deframe, harass, threaten and injure their idol.

Their idols are staff just as much as any one else is!
The Long and Short of this is, #SuperMDisbandParty is for all members of all groups involved in SuperM. But SM should be worried about protecting their idols.
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