i wish i wasn’t allergic so i could take apiculture classes. i mean it’s literally in my curriculum. it’s for fucking free. and i would love to do some beekeeping when i’m old. but no the universe had to make me allergic to this tiny little babies. https://twitter.com/physicsandastr1/status/1253821114133995520
remember the time my hand grew three sizes and i almost had cellulitis because a bee decided to be a little hateful towards me even though it was my fucking diet coke. good times.
and also the time i was little and accidentally stepped on a dead bee and almost died because i couldn’t breathe. good times.
nice point on this thread to say that allergies in general can act very differently each time you have an attack. and sometimes your bodies response can be a lot harsher or a lot lighter. that’s why i had my throat close in one occasion and on the other my hand payed the price✌🏻
so always be prepared for the worst and hope for the best.
also i think that only applies to bee stings ✌🏻
so i don’t spread misinformation for my zero followers ✌🏻
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