You can be a whole package & still be single.

Smart people tend to love in a reckless manner, without a care for tomorrow. It’s who we are.
Which in turn proves self-defeating because not everyone out here is well intentioned.
That’s why we are now this vigilant before leaping.
Smart people value the time wasted in failed relationships, as much as they do the lessons & emotional growth that packages itself in them. They tend to feel that it’s better & faster to learn through observation than it is through participation.
Ergo, they prefer being the person who the person they’re looking for is searching for. That requires a thorough introspection & honesty.
After the research of who they are individually, they then endeavour into the journey of including someone else in their vision of the future.
Only in the application of knowledge & science of self, before the invitation of an auxiliary part to self, one gains wisdom.
They understand the spiritual construct of self before that of a companionship, because just like any living thing, a relationship has a spirit as well.
Without the knowledge of that from both parties, they deprives it of its sustenance & kills it. Hence why all parties need to first understand what is meant by spirit before giving birth to its child. Otherwise they won’t know what the child wants whenever it cries for help.
Relationships are not meant to be easy, otherwise they won’t be worth our time. But that also doesn’t mean people should bring fluff in them just to complicate matters, so it can be a worthy cause.
It was a worthy pursuit way before the self-inflicted intricacies.
Just go in one for a good reason. Make it a selfless cause while at it, & in turn benefit from the whole thing.
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