1) Based on today's Twitter meltdown, I think we may have underestimated the narcissistic injury the widespread mocking of Trump's disinfectant comments. This was not criticism -- it was mocking. That's intolerable.
2) Also, the petulance about working hard -- we shoudl remember that despite the fact he's barely working, THIS IS THE HARDEST HE'S WORKED IN YEARS. Not to mention --
3) I mean, his total business for a decade at least has been being on TV, paying for sex, and being a compliant money laundering cog. Sending the kids off to negotiate with the Russians or Iranians (look it up). That's it.
4) But now -- No dopamine hits. No Mar-a-Lago, so no rich guys who validate his own status as Very Important Man, praising him, no rallies -- just his Washington lackeys and let's face it, like porn, he's used to them and needs new stimulus constantly.
5) To step from a world where for ten years, probably more, you never heard a single disagreement or criticism you had to take seriously or couldn't pay to go away, to a job that comes with endless responsibilities even when you shove 80% of them off.
6) Trump is, frankly, in hell. But he's too much of a narcissist to step away and let the rest of us fix what he broke. So we all get to ride the breakdown together. And live with 40% of the country wrapped in a full on cult cognitive dissonance meltdown.
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