THREAD: The five “states” of a planetary placement in astrology, aka explaining rulerships and “strong,” “weak,” and “neutral” placements of the planets in signs and what they mean in your chart.
RULERSHIP/DOMICILE: Since each astrological sign has characteristics which are similar to those of a planet, all 12 zodiac signs have a planet that naturally rules them. Here are the signs and their rulers:
Aries - Mars
Taurus - Venus
Gemini - Mercury
Cancer - Moon
Leo - Sun
Virgo - Mercury
Libra - Venus
Scorpio - Pluto (co-ruled by Mars)
Sagittarius - Jupiter
Capricorn - Saturn
Aquarius - Uranus (co-ruled by Saturn)
Pisces - Neptune (co-ruled by Jupiter)
A planet placed in the sign it rules is said to be in domicile. Thus, it is able to totally fulfil its role as it feels right at home in the sign it naturally rules, and it is most likely that its role in your chart is a positive one.
Example: Mars, the planet of drive, sex, and aggression in either Aries or Scorpio is in Domicile, having a stronger influence on your chart. Mars in Aries/Scorpio creates someone with a lot of vitality and fearlessness in making decisions, as well as an extreme sex drive!.
EXALTATION: Every sign has a sign that is very similar to them in their nature. When a planet is in a sign that is similar in nature to the sign they rule, it is said to be in exaltation, a very powerful and positive placement for a planet as it acts in its most influential form
Ex: The Moon in Taurus is said to be in exaltation. Taurus brings out the positive characteristics of the Moon, creating a beautiful soul who deeply indulges in the fine things in life, finds security in material pleasure and physical intimacy, and values patience.
Here are the exalted placements for every planet/celestial body:
Sun - Aries
Moon - Taurus
Mercury - Virgo
Venus - Pisces
Mars - Capricorn
Jupiter - Cancer
Saturn - Libra
Uranus - Scorpio
Neptune - Leo
Pluto - Aries
DETRIMENT: The most negative state for a planet to be in, a planet is said to be in detriment when it is placed in the sign that is directly opposite the sign it naturally rules (aka the sister sign). The powers of the planet is blocked by the sign it is in detriment in.
The action of a planet in detriment is negative, misused, or non-existent or weakened, and its placement tends to easily bring out the negative traits of the planet, or blocks the planet’s positive influence. Following is a list of every detrimental placement for the planets
Sun - Aquarius
Moon - Capricorn
Mercury - Sagittarius and Pisces
Venus - Scorpio and Aries
Mars - Libra and Taurus
Jupiter - Virgo and Gemini
Saturn - Cancer and Leo
Uranus - Leo
Neptune - Virgo
Pluto - Taurus
Ex: The emotional Moon in the reserved Capricorn creates someone who is emotionally stunted, or not in harmony with their emotions as they are not expressive with them, thus causing problems for themselves.
FALL: A planet is said to be in fall when it is placed in the sign opposite the sign it is *exalted* in. The Fall is a position of weakness regarding the function and representation of the planet in one’s chart.
While a planet in detriment feels completely out of place, a planet in fall feels uncomfortable. The planet loses its strength and influence, although not to the greatest extent (as detriment is). Following is a list of which signs a planet is in fall in.
Sun - Libra
Moon - Scorpio
Mercury - Pisces
Venus - Virgo
Mars - Cancer
Jupiter - Capricorn
Saturn - Aries
Uranus - Taurus
Neptune - Aquarius
Pluto - Libra
Example: Venus (the planet of desire, beauty, and aesthetics) in Virgo feels a bit off, as the sensual and pleasure-indulging powers of Venus are weakened by the critical attitude of Virgo, creating someone with high standards in searching for a partner.
PEREGRINE: When a planet is not in either of the four previously mentioned states, the planet is said to be in peregrine condition, meaning the planet’s powers are neither strengthened nor weakened.
In two cases out of three, planets are peregrine, thus the planet’s aspects on your chart become more determining of their influence.
In fact, even a planet in detriment or fall can turn out positive in your chart depending on your aspects (aspects are the mathematical relationship between the planets placed in your chart, more of this will be explained in another thread later).
Moreover, depending on the state of the planet, it’s influence in the house it resides within in your chart will also be affected.

// end of thread
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