Day 1 of @navals meditation routine. Some context-i got done with a 10 vipassana camp at the start of march, and have been somewhat following breath meditation since. So just surrendering to my thoughts was easier in comparison to breath meditation.
I don't know if this was a one off but I found the experience immediately useful. Things I had been distracting myself with immediately became clear-with it, what I needed to focus on as well. Might just make this a twice a day endeavor.
Day 2
Sat the whole hour.
Lot of questions came up; all left without answers.
Day 3:-
I can feel my mind whirling through the same thought patterns like some broken washing machine. Been helpful with a few decisions, however.
Day 4:-
Sat for 45 minutes. This meditation seems more of an idea generation than a regular meditation. I left with ideas I wanted to work on, more than any sense of peace.
Day 5:-
Sat 50 minutes. A little less usefull idea wise as the previous sessions-think I fell asleep in between there as well.
Have restarted this practice. I'm currently on Day 6 again. Just going to add on to this thread from here on.
Day 6:- 55 min
My first session at the end of a day(i usually do mine first thing in the morning). Went in a lil tired. Now, feel 50% freher mentally than when I started.
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