You're out here asking for him to speak up, then when he finally does... it's not good enough?

Are you thick in the fucking skull? Mental Health is not an excuse, it's a legitimate reason. As someone who suffers from severe anxiety, it was kinda triggering to hear that +
+ some people think he's using that as an 'excuse.' No. Okay? Just no. Stop trying to keep the drama going. Michael doesn't deserve this, Crystal doesn't deserve this, Calum and Sierra never needed to be dragged into this, but since y'all wanna bring them into it; pretty sure +
+ Calum, who's known Michael for over a decade, who's going to be Michael's best man, who IS and HAS BEEN Michael's best friend for over a decade, would know a lot more about Michael than y'all would, and would know for a fact if he's racist or not; which he isn't. +
+ The fact that he has already spoken up, and you've seen his apology but decided to ignore it? THAT is pure immaturity. I'm unfollowing/blocking anyone I see like that. It's bullshit, and makes me sick to my stomach thinking people could ever view Michael as anything negative +
+ when he clearly hasn't done anything to deserve that. So he wore a shirt 5 YEARS AGO that people are NOW getting by? You're literally getting tweets of Crystal's from 7-10 years ago just to 'prove' she's a racist/bad person? If anything, you're just proving how immature +
+ you are for having to dig that deep into her past just to find something bad about her. People can change, and a lot of people - 5sos related or not - HAVE changed. We cannot judge someone's present self based on their past self. That's such a toxic thing to do, and I do not +
+ support that in any way. Especially considering how much it mentally affects the people I love and who have helped me through so much. Crystal makes Michael happy. Michael only deserves to be happy. Michael should always be happy. 💜 #WeLoveYouMichael
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