How to get some 💤 during lockdown

If you’re struggling to sleep since the coronavirus restrictions were brought in, you are not alone

Thousands have shared their tales of sleepless nights - so we asked sleep expert Prof Morgan for some tips

Routine ⏰

“Routine is the guardian of good sleep”

Prof Morgan suggests trying to keep to your old sleeping pattern

“Get up at your normal time and go to bed at the normal time, however tempting to do otherwise”
Save the sleepiness for bedtime 🛌

Unfortunately naps aren’t great for a good night’s sleep

“You’ve got to save your sleepiness for bedtime. Treat being sleepy as a precious resource and don’t waste it on a short daytime nap”
Daylight ⛅

Our body relies on melatonin from outdoor light to regulate our sleep and wake pattern

“It’s the only way the body has of knowing whether it’s light or dark”

Getting outside for your daily exercise will help increase sleep quality
'Park your stress’

Worries, stress and anxiety is understandable right now

Prof Morgan says it’s important not to take those worries to bed

“Tell yourself you’ve done all you can for that day and there’s nothing more to do” 
Think about your space 🏠

If you’re working from home and are lucky enough to have options about where you work, avoid your bedroom

“Don’t go near the bed. Don’t sit or lie on it it - until you have to go to sleep”
Alcohol 🍺

Whilst alcohol may help us get to sleep faster, it’s not a long term solution

“It ultimately just damages the structure and quality of our sleep”

Prof Morgan says if you are going to drink, it should be at the same time you normally would 
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