It is funny how when ECDOH front-liners aren’t satisfied with the required general daily hospital equipment shortage no-one seems to care or even attack the administration, but now the covid-19 pandemic is in need of equipment which is almost our daily-
Protective equipment especially in theaters/operating rooms and everyone in the higher positions is able to point fingers to those who did/didn’t do their job.

Honestly speaking this personal protective equipment is what we normally/ legally deserve to perform most of our-
surgical work or procedures but now that it’s been abbreviated to PPE suddenly it’s a special form of equipment/wear noooo! It is not and we’ve been in shortage ever since.

I so hope after all this the powerful/ top-dogs of the country can be so proactive when we cry shortage.
Small things like surgical gloves, gowns and masks become out of stock now and again and no one cares and the shitty part is that people who suffer are the patients, not Drs nor Nurses but the people we wake up to serve.

It is so tiring to be honest ✋🏿
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