why harry styles deserves the whole wide world - a necessary thread;
harry styles is a national treasure and a household name. everyone knows who harry styles is. but, what they might not know is how amazing and genuine and kind he actually is. here is just a few reasons showing who he really is.
starting off; harry wants equality for all. harry has always voiced his love for the lgbt community and shown how much he supports it. here is a few instances showing it -
harry released rainbow merch for the whole month of june. june is pride month and the rainbow is a symbol for the lgbt community. all the profits made from the sales when to “GLSEN”. “GLSEN” helps keep lgbt kids safe and supported at school.
every single concert harry performed at during his last tour, he waved a pride flag. he also spoke multiple times during concerts about the lgbt community. during a concert he also helped a fan come out to her mother.
harry also gave his gucci loafers embroidered with a rainbow to a raffle for “london friend” - the oldest lgbt charity.
next; harry styles has fought for minorities many times. he always fights for the less privileged and does everything he can to support them. here are a few:
waving a black lives matter flag. during a few concerts, harry was handed a black lives matter flag and waved and flung it all around.
additionally to that, on his main guitar he uses during concerts, he has several stickers on it. including a “black lives matter” sticker, a rainbow flag for the lgbt community and an “end gun violence” sticker. a subtle but loud gesture.
harry has always been a feminist and open about how he supports feminism. he spoke about teenage girl fans and the way they are treated. he also wore a “women are smarter” t-shirt and supported a campaign called “HeforShe” which stands for advancing gender equality.
next up: harry’s charity work. throughout the years harry has done a heavy amount of charity work and has used his privilege for good. here is just a few charities harry has supported and the charity work he has done:
during his 2018 world tour, he raised a total of $1.2m generated through ticket sales for all local charities. every country he went to, he donated to money to a charity local to them. a few charities including: times up, march for our lives and help refugees.
harry donated $42,000 to the “times up movement” which supports people who speak about about being sexually assaulted. he was only one of 9 celebrity men to contribute to it.
another kind gesture harry made was cutting nine inches off his hair to be made into a wig for “little princess trust” which provides wigs for children with cancer.
next; harry has always had a great relationship with his real fans. they have a great bond and mutually adore each other. here’s a few cute moments between harry and his fans:
first of all; supporting fans on twitter. the first picture we have him dming a fan and helping them with relationship advice. the second picture we have is harry encouraging a fan to go to therapy when she said she was skipping for harry.
harry singing a lullaby for a little baby harrie at his concert!
lastly we have harry on facetime to a sick fan, and meeting her virtually as well as singing to her as it was her wish.
finally, we’re going to talk about harry’s kindness; harry has always been about kindness, always telling people to be kind to one another. here’s some moments that he shows jsut how kind he is;
firstly, making merch saying treat people with kindness. harry decided that he wants his merch to have a design that could help everyone, and that’s exactly what he did. majority of his merch has the slogan “treat people with kindness” embroidered to it.
ed sheeran - one of harry’s friends shared that harry decided to spend $3000 on pizza and spent then whole day going around los angeles giving them to homeless people.
harry left a $2,020 tip at a restaurant earlier this year for the waiters that has served him, calling it a “happy new year” gift.
harry has repeatedly helped fans who have been getting mobbed while trying to meet him. he has always made sure they were okay.
and last but definitely not least; harry buying dinner for his fan and then family. harry met a fan at a restaurant and spent a little time with them and secretly and surprisingly payed their dinner bill.
and here we are! the end! at the end of the day, harry is an amazing person and deserves all the love and kindness that he gives out. please try to give it to him.

a big thanks to the cows gc™️ for helping me w this ily all!

remember: treat people with kindness.
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