hi new followers let me introduce you guys to my comfort ship levihan lol
this is a thread now of why i like it and why its my comfort lol
aight so i came into the snk fandom when i was rlly young and already a victim of abuse n my view of relationships was rlly bad but idk i just got so drawn to levihan? like something reeally hit for me. ofc hanji being literally nb and looking like me made me happy .../
the community was rlly good too! very kind to me and supported my fuckin idiot askblog i made as a joke. met my second abuser through there and was harassed when i came out about it by another group of shippers so... levihan became a huge comfort to me during that time..
of course again also got humiliated specifically bc i liked that ship from... someone... and i felt distant from it for a long time bc ppl made me feel like liking it made my art lesser?? idk... brain crazy sometimes... anyways its just really good it helped me alot during that
im super distanced from the snk fandom as a whole now because... well... its not great... but i still adore levihan! theyre both such fun characters and their interactions are telling and their personalities mix rlly well and oh god oh god its real itsreal
i feel liike... hanjis good for levi bc hanji like, sees him as a person and not a weapon or a threat. hanji thinks hes a funny little man when all his life hes been thought of as a tool for war or a thug r whatever. hanji sees him for who he is and canonically is his"translator"
- because he has problems expressing himself through words asnd hanji canonically isthe only person who can really understand him well enough to convay what hes trying to say.... levis good for hanji too! like he helps hanji learn to take better care of themself rather than -
- just doing everything for them. and hanji just genuinely loves him hes their favorite person... they have CRAZY understanding of eachother even enough to LITERALLY HAVE A TELEPATHIC EXCHANGE...
idk i think theyre gay and hanji is canon nonbinary so suck my weenor
stan chapter 126
just to add! hanji in general is a really important character for me!!! i used to try and hide my excitableness bc of bullying but seeing them just be ahgdsdsdggasdgsd made me feel like... oh :) also their big nose like me too bro...... and transgenderism.......
i like levi bc hes just a little old traumatized man who needs love and loves his adopted kids
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