I’m curious your thoughts on this. It’s now clear that this Quarantine was not about arrests as some like myself assumed it had to be. The speculation about children being freed from underground tunnels, while an interesting theory, we have certainly been shown no proof of...
... it ever happening. So I’m basically right back to square one on this. If this “virus” was a Deep State attempt at a global false flag, other than the economic damage it’s done, it’s been pretty much largely unsuccessful I think. Millions dead? Hundreds of millions...
... infected? Ummm not quite. So what the hell just happened? I continue to be of the opinion that this virus was NOT a Deep State attack regardless of what Q has alluded to. Maybe it started out that way at some point, but I just have seen no real repercussions to tell me this..
... was the Deep States ultimate play. So if this was all part of a White Hat plan and if it wasn’t about arrests what could it possibly have been about? The Country is in serious financial trouble. People are losing their jobs at a record pace. Unemployment has skyrocketed...
... out of control since early March. So why would the “Good guys” do this? A few weeks back I momentarily entertained the idea of the “Rescued Kids” as being the ONLY possible narrative that We The People could possibly forgive Q and Trump for allowing our Country to fall...
... into this financial mess. But I have come up with one more. Medicine. Since this virus we have been slowly learning about alternative treatments and decades old drugs that now seem to have an effect on more than one disease. Could I see Q Team allowing millions of Americans..
... to become unemployed it it meant outing Big Pharma as the corrupt and terrible industry it is? Yes I could. Money can ALWAYS be pumped back into the system, we’ve seen it already with the PPP Loans and stimulas checks. It would be even more easy to do if these funds are...
... coming from seized assets of the very DS players previously helping to fund Big Pharmacy. Now wouldn’t that be the ultimate in satisfaction? What if you found out that your $1200 stimulus check came directly from the seized assets of Tom Hanks, Jeffrey Epstein or George...
... Soros? I think that would be very satisfying personally. And if the corrupt medical community is outed at the same time? I think I could forgive the unemployment rate, could you? As always this is just my big brain thinking out loud but I continue to try and look at things...
... logically. And logically, I’m still scratching my head on this entire last six weeks. Clearly something MUCH bigger was going on then just some practically non existent virus. If it wasn’t the mass arrests we’ve been hoping for. And if it wasn’t about freeing children, and...
... if we entertain the notion that this wasn’t a DS attack then the ONLY positive thing I’ve seen come from all of this is the medicine aspect. From HCQ, to ultra violet light, people are learning about other ways to cure themselves. Go to your local Walmart. Check out the...
... vitamin section. People are exploring other ways to medicate themselves. And personally I think that’s a very good thing. As always only time will tell with this virus. In 20 years our kids will look back on this time and have a much clearer understanding of what actually...
... went down in the spring of 2020. This virus was definitely something designed to do much more than it has. What that thing was remains the mystery in my eyes. #QANON #Covid_19
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