Ex parte Milligan, 71 U.S. (4 Wall.) 2 (1866), was a U.S. Supreme Court case that ruled the application of military tribunals to citizens when civilian courts are still operating is unconstitutional.
Justice David Davis, who delivered the majority opinion, stated that "martial rule can never exist when the courts are open" and confined martial law to areas of "military operations, where war really prevails", and when it was a necessity to provide a substitute for
a civil authority that had been overthrown.

What does this mean?

Since the courts are presently closed, thus overthrowing civil authority, military tribunals are permitted.

What do you think is happening at Gitmo right now?
The level of genius at which @POTUS and Q operates, in my mind, just increased 100X.
10 D chess!
After having just figured this out, I will gladly stay at home for as long as I need to and without complaint. If some of my freedom needs to be temporarily sacrificed so satanic pedovores can be arrested, put on trial, and sentenced by a military tribunal...so be it!
These governors who are now presenting themselves as antagonists (e.g. - Michigan’s governor). They know about what’s written above and are deliberately antagonizing Patriots; those who are protesting against the stay-at-home orders. They need to be informed about this.
They need to be encouraged to stand down and embrace the suck. They need to be told about the children and what’s been done to them. If they understood this is about the children they would stop in an instant. Help me find them.
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