CONGRESS is undermining our Immigration Laws with HR5383 New Way Forward Act. Since most people won't take the time to go READ it, maybe this will be helpful.
1st page is summary, then the Actual Bill.
2) The Actual Bill:
3) Tying the hands of DHS and imposing Very strict guidelines to Detention Facilities.
4) Note the phrase "May Detain" not "Shall Detain" as previously worded.
5) Note Time limitations - 48 hours, 72 hours. Note: Presumptions, Least Restrictive Conditions, Bond restrictions.
6) Now we have Preferential Treatment for "Some" aliens.
7) Who is to provide these "services" to illegal aliens? Who pays for them?
8) Here, no such delineation of "sexual preference" is listed as it is above in item 6.
9) Note how often the word "Shall" is replaced with the word "May". There's a big difference between them! How will that affect our ability to detain/remove them?
10) Here we replace "90 days" with "60 days", which puts an even more onerous burden on those already overwhelmed with 'migrants'.
11) Here we substitute one paragraph for another, for the purpose of widening the parameters for Limitations for removal. Adding "5 years from the date the alien became deportable... More gobbeldygoop legalese and word swapping.
12) Limiting the incarceration of those aliens who have committed other crimes besides Illegal entry.
13) So, lets change the wording to give the least sentence, and maximizing their ability to appeal. During which time they are living on OUR dime or left to run unimpeded in our communities. Who Pays?
14) "ONLY convicted of an aggravated felony for which a term of imprisonment of NOT LESS than 5 years SHALL be considered to have been convicted of a particularly serious crime." And this applies retroactively!!
15) Let's remove more of the admissible permissions shall we? Rearrange the paragraphs, change words to mean what they don't. These people are sick.
16) Here we go - WHO can make determinations of illegal aliens is now limited to FEDERAL officers, any officer of a State may not assist DHS in their duties. Removing info about crimes from the database to further tie their hands.
17) Civil immigration warrants SHALL NOT be made available to ANY State Officers & they are PROHIBITED from entering the National Crime Info Center Databases 2 get info on Immigration Status. WHAT???
18) WTH? De-Criminalize Migration! Re-Open proceedings on or after April 24, 1996! Let the deportees back in regardless? Can you say overwhelm the courts?
19) The AG MAY NOT Reject/deny a motion to reconsider... HHS To provide Transportation at "Government Expense" to return to US for appeals.
Basically, they want 2 give amnesty 2 EVERY alien who enters this country & tie up courts with appeals for which they never appear! So, lets just OPEN THE BORDERS to anyone who chooses to come here 4 any reason, & give them carte blanche 2 do as they will!
#WeDoNotConsent @POTUS
Twitter broke this thread, so I hope I got it all in the right places. READ THE BILL!
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