“We can’t do all online, only big classes.” OK what’s the line? Classes will take 15+ mins to start with spacing students and classrooms will be cut to 1/8th capacity (students in every 4th seat spaced a row apart math checks out trust me)
How do we stage class endings to make sure our students stay 6 feet apart? Office hours will be 100% remote. Where will students stay? Single dorms? Bathrooms? This is in the realm of utter privileged fantasy. How will our students eat?
Dining halls cannot handle appropriate spacing. They are already crowded at lunch and dinner. Who will manage that everyone stays 6 feet apart? Will there be social distancing police? What authority will they have exactly to enforce. TRIPLE YIKES.
Yeah I’m sure students of color and openly LGBT+ students will be totally safe under this scenario (WTF?!?). 🧐🙃Like why did you allow this claptrap NYT? Holy $hit. Contact tracing is the *least* of your loss of privacy concerns.
We could have gotten this right with massive testing and shutting things down in February. Our government royally f-ed up. Higher ed will be one of many things that suffers greatly. We cannot risk lives to push to reopen. Testing and vaccines first.
A lot of unis and colleges will close. That is inevitable and is horrid. What’s worse- unis closing, or tens of thousands of students, faculty, and staff dying? What you think staff will all be given correct and clean PPE to wear to do their jobs? Will they be sacrificed?
So angry I’m shaking. So irresponsible to publish this.
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