Hi hello, I am here to share vital information after a month plus of regularly being in close proximity to cough drops. I present: COUGH DROPS, RANKED. [thread]
Ricola’s natural: 7/10. Good shape but still small and doesn’t last that long. Solid taste. Bonus points for a great commercial jingle.
Halls’ honey lemon: 8/10. Pretty small but solid taste and long-lasting relief. A classic. Can’t go wrong.
Vicks VapoCool Severe, winterfrost: 0/10, worst ever, why did Amazon send me 15 packages of this deodorant-tasting unhelpful cough drop. I hate u. Would give negative points if possible
CVS brand cough drops, honey lemon, sugar-free version: 9/10, can’t explain why the sugar free version slaps so hard but hell yes to this generic cough drop. Look at its boring packaging, hell yeah
CVS brand cough drops, honey lemon, with sugar: 5/10, can’t explain why this is worse than the sugar free one, not good, super small, lame, disappointing
HONEES honey lemon cough drops: 12/10, best ever, get these and don’t look back. Thank you amazon for sending me these accidentally. HONEY IS INSIDE. They last a long time. Helpful. Lawfully good. Voted the best because they are the best. Case closed.
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