πŸ’‹πŸ’Sex and Electional Astrology: A Fun ThreadπŸ’πŸ’‹
For those of you who are unaware, you can use astrology to pick the best times to do, make, or start something. This simple act is called electional astrology!
In order to get the most out of your elections, you obviously want to focus on:
πŸ‘ The rising sign
πŸ‘ Ascendant Lord
πŸ‘ Lord of the House
πŸ‘The Moon and her condition
The rising sign and the planetary ruler should say something about the type of activity that you want to do! The gist is that the general significator of a topic or the house lord related to the topic of interest should be connecting with the ascendant or its lord.
This makes it likelier that you will accomplish what you are seeking to do or start.
However, the Moon is the fastest moving body and representative of literal manifestations of what is going to happen next. You want her to be in good shape, also connecting with the significators of interest and positive influences.
Seems simple enough, right? However, reading through some of the work of Sahl ibn Bishr and my own personal experience with attempts to elect things made me realize that elections cannot always pan out the way you want.
This is not just because of aspects of your own schedule, issues with your body clock and whatnot, but the idea that more rooted charts and their meanings become more important than the time that you are trying to elect.
Birth charts are more rooted and have a promise that they are set to deliver. However, Sahl even suggests that horaries are more rooted than elections and can be used if you do not know someone's nativity and they are interested in a certain topic or undertaking.
What this means is that planets carry over their meanings from your birth chart or from a horary chart into the election, suggesting that you need to consider what planets mean for those rooted charts when choosing your elections!
What does this have to do with SEX?!
Well, I found that for a bunch of really good elections that I found for March and April, while I wanted to use them for publishing threads here or doing academic things, I ended up having really good sex during those times.
I tried to focus on putting the Moon in a good position and using rising signs where I knew I could get the planetary ruler in good condition. However, I was finding that whenever I was doing really good things for the Moon, I was having sex instead of doing astrology.
The Moon is also my 5H ruler! So I shouldn't have been surprised that this would end up happening. Elections can be thought of as special transits to your nativity, and it is therefore important that you check those too!
Ok I chose this chart because the ruler of the ascendant is exalted in the 3rd in a night chart, and enclosed by benefics. The Moon is also applying to a square with Venus. Scorpio is my 9H natally, with Mars being my 11H.
I actually hooked up with a Scorpio rising that night. He was having his lunar return, Venus was opposing his natal Jupiter (L5), and the Moon is actually activating his natal Jupiter. The Moon is trine my Mercury (L7), and sextile my natal Jupiter (L1).
Bonus points for his planetary lord Mars and my planetary lord Jupiter coming together in a conjunction supported by Venus!
Okay another one! I wanted to milk that Sun rejoicing in the 9th and exaltation in Aries. Moon is in the 5th house, I am fresh off my own lunar return. The transiting Moon that day was activating my own Venus-Mars trine. Venus is squaring my natal ascendant as well!
And another: I wanted to get the Moon on Aldebaran and take advantage of Venus being angular. Venus is actually trine Mars in this chart. After finishing my reading w/ @paostrology I did end up getting laid again! Venus is on my natal Mercury (L7) and opposite my Jupiter (L1).
So for your sexy time elections:
πŸ’Make Mars or Venus in or ruling 1/5/7 and configured by trine preferably.
πŸ’‹ Consider your own 5H ruler and transits it makes to your chart
πŸ‘ Consider what your natal ascendant ruler is doing in electional charts
πŸ’Put the electional Asc or MC in your 5H/aspecting L5, Mars, or Venus.
πŸ’‹ The same is true for using lord of the 7H!
πŸ‘ Consider using elections w/ your own rising sign to see things match the nativity better.*
*the last one might be hard for ppl with Sag, Cap, Aqua, or Pisces rising because Jupiter and Saturn move slower and you might want to milk them while they are dignified.
πŸ’Sect and accidental beneficence/maleficence are also key to consider when picking the best times to get it on.
πŸ’‹ Try to take advantage of your profected time lords because they are more active anyway.
πŸ‘ If you know the other person's birth info, consider that too!
I used whole sign houses, but that isn't necessary. But always use traditional rulers for the best results. Hope you guys enjoyed this, and I will keep adding more examples as I go on! x
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