My psy homework is hitting close to home, and my upcoming article for @NMNewsPort . Hawkley & Cacioppo (2010) concluded loneliness is directly related to a host of health problems. #CJ475 (a thread)
As I write in my article, side affects of loneliness include low-quality sleep, higher blood pressure, increased anxiety, just to name a few. The main point here: it impacts the immune system negatively.
So why am I telling you this? Because of #COVID19; people are told to isolate: no meeting up with your big group friends, no hugging, only go to the store when necessary.
However, this isn't a new topic or breaking news. But I wanted to point out one more thing Hawkley and Cacioppo discovered. Having few social supports isn't the determiner, it's the perception of one's support.
"Some people who have few social supports are not lonely, and some people with many social supports do feel lonely," Matsumoto & Juang (Culture and Psychology).
Again, this isn't new information or breaking, but it's a nice reminder to check in on people. Even if you're at home with your family, or living with your S/O, check in on them. Some people need more than being in the vicinity of others. Maybe they still ~feel~ lonely.
It's especially important to check on seniors. This is a graph made prior to #COVID19; it's only worse now. A simple call or letter could do a lot of good. (graph credit: welbi)
And if they don't want to talk to you, point them in the direction of online resources. There are so many of them. Including @UNMSHAC and @UNMWRC. Keep a look out for more in my upcoming article; and take care of yourselves/others.
There are a lot of self-care things you can do! And yes, there's a few included in my article. Go for a walk (6-feet apart from others), pick up a hobby, sleep-in, binge your favorite show guilt-free. And enjoy cute dog pics like these ones of Pip (with my dad) and Moose.
Some light reading. [Matsumoto, David; Juang, Linda. Culture and Psychology (Page 264).]
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