In normal times, your average personal space bubble is 1.5 feet all around you. This is the normal distance before a person starts feeling encroached upon. If a person has anxiety or is on alert that's more like 3 feet in front and to the sides and 1.5 feet behind.
We rarely ever think about this, but physical spaces int he world are designed with this in mind (if you don't believe me ask anyone who went to school for architecture in the last 30 years)

You'll notice if it you pay attention when you're in a retail store. -
It's how Isles are designed to accommodate people. (1.5ft). How theatres are designed to keep people comfortable in the larger seats (though we accept closer distances in certain environments).

All this to say that is why standing 6 feet apart feels so foreign.
We are these weird pack animals that want to be alone together, but too far apart triggers lizard brain to panic. Too close causes the same thing.

This is why I lecture people about face coverings and such. Reduce the infection range, and we can more likely stay in our bubbles
Perfect? No. But it will help us all feel more normal.

Source: I spent almost a decade studying environmental behavior and design.
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