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Me going off about deathstar on discord and widening it here. You're welcome
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I still think Blackstar was devasted when Kid got taken. Their last proper encounter was Kid handing his ass back to him before they got sent in different posts for the baba yaga castle operation
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He may have been fucking around the entire Salvage Arc operation (before the hidden chapter at least) but we've seen glimpses of Blackstar and how he really is. Under all the bravado and confidence, he's VERY caring +
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+ for his friends and he WILL snap someone's spine on his knee if they as much as touch them. He grew up without a family (except Sid as a father figure of course), and I will defend the entire Found Family trope +
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+ he has with the entire gang even after I die.

So anyway. It's a personal headcanon that he's thinking a lot about Kid, but not because he's lovesick; actually, we can throw that out and it'd still make sense.
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Blackstar used to see Kid as an opponent, a milestone: "if I beat him, I beat god, therefore— I'm done with my goal."

But I think that after he finds out that he's taken hostage, he sees him as /more/ than that.
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This is probably new coming from me since I ship Deathstar A LOT but platonic or more, they have one of the best dynamics in Soul Eater. Where Kid lacks, Blackstar thrives; and vice versa.
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Kid grew up lonely and doesn't know how to connect with humans. Blackstar grew lonely, in a sense of him being a lone survivor of his clan, but his bright personality + strong resolve pushed him to form relationships.
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Blackstar saving him in the manga is the ONLY way it could've worked. If they sent someone else, it won't end the way it did, because Blackstar understood Kid more than anyone else. Liz and Patty are sweet sisters +
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+ but they fell for the same thing Blackstar didn't; a.k.a. seeing Kid as a Death God before anything else.

Blackstar doesn't give a shit if he's a god. He finds him with screws loose in his head, so he puts him +
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+ back in place. Everyone else would fear him because /fuck/; Death God AND madness ?Âż?Âż only someone as batshit reckless as Blackstar would engage in that fight and join him in madness at the same time.
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When the "octopus" asks him about the Power he wanted, Blackstar said "power to save Kid."

Remember what Blackstar's goal was from the start ? Yep. DEFEAT KID.

So why the fuck would he want power to SAVE him ?
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He asked for the power because he's not confident about it, either. He's hiding behind his words and his skills. He cares for Kid a lot— so much that he's scared he'd fuck THIS up and lose him forever.
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I don't think Blackstar is good at conveying what he feels, tbh. I feel like there are layers of emotions and thoughts and /everything/ hidden under the loud and confident front, and he has a hard time showing it.
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So he does it by fighting. Fighting for his friends, fighting an entire organization after Maka got paralyzed, fighting Kid himself.

It's like his way of saying "come home" but he's angry and sad at the same time.
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And that works on Kid because he, too, has no idea how emotions work. He's a death god, not human; that shit doesn't come naturally. Blackstar beating him back into his senses is exactly what he needed because Kid +
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+ can easily eradicate everyone else. Kid can commit global genocide and nothing— no one— can stop him

Except Blackstar.
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My point here is that they're made for each other one way or another; friends, rivals, lovers. They bring the best and the worst out of each other and that's beautiful. It's underrated. Fucking hell I hate that.
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