Well, here we are. A year later since the #Marvel Apocalypse.
*Sounds of a broken record playing*
Steve's "ending" is still abhorrent immoral garbage.
He GoT tHE LiFe hE wAs sUpPoSeD tO hAvE.
The life of a morally inert, cowardly, psychopathic, stay at home dad?
Here we go again.
Hey @Marvel,
Kirby & Simon created Steve in direct response to the rise of fascism in the USA; in response to WW2, nazis, bigotry, corruption etc in the USA. It's his purpose to be an ally for the oppressed. Not because he feels he "has" to but because it's his intrinsic calling.
He wasn't created to be a morally inert, cowardly, deserter; who abandons his loved ones, his morals, his duty, & his calling (in TWO timelines) to stalk a dead woman he never had a relationship with, through time & bury his head in the sand to all the atrocities he knows are
either already happening or will happen.
Only a psychopath could live happily like that.
Only a psychopath ignores his soulmate's torture.
Only a psychopath let's his enemy poison the life work of somebody he supposedly cares about.
Only a psychopath is ok with being directly
responsible for all the bad things they know the future holds.
Some troll: "Gee. Did it ever occur to you that maybe Steve not helping out in the past was necessary for him to keep the tl intact. Lol!"
Did it ever occur to you that Steve running away to a bigoted
past just to keep his head down makes him directly responsible for the bad things happening, whether it's the alt-tl or time loop theory?
"The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing." Edmund Burke.
You're understanding of Steve is more shallow
than an empty bowl of soup if you think the REAL Steve (not the evil doppleganger in #Endgame) would be happy just letting these bad things happen.
"If I see a situation headed south, I can't ignore it." Steve, CW.
How?!? How did Marvel fuck up his character so badly in the end?!
And, no! Steve knowing that eVErYtHiNg eVeNTuAlLy wOrKs oUT is not an excuse either.
Picture a person you love being tortured. Now, picture going back in time to when they were being tortured. You have the opportunity to save them (albeit in a alt-tl) but instead you think
"Fuck that! I need to get laid! Things'll work out 😜."
If you're ok with that you're a worthless, spinless, immoral, PIECE OF SHIT!
It doesn't matter if you'd dO tHE sAmE aS StEVe at the end of EG.
Steve is a hero to the bone. His righteousness doesn't have an expiration date
& being a hero isn't a means to an end. True heroism is about doing what's right, even if it's hard. And moving on from a woman you "never dated & kissed once" (the writers words, not mine) is not a challenge.
People hear LOvE oF hIS liFE & suddenly forget that st*ggy never even
had a relationship in TFA. They barely knew each other. After Steve willingly crashed the Valkyrie, Og-tl Peggy lived an entire life she has no regrets about without him. Where she forged & led an empire. As that was happening, she met the REAL love of her life, her husband. Aka,
NOT Steve. But, a man she actually dates, gets to know (unlike Steve), falls in love with (as opposed to her crush on Steve), marries, & has kids with. Then, she retires in her golden years, encourages Steve to move on from her as her final wish, & dies peacefully in her sleep at
age 95. She wasn't "forced" to moved on. Don't insult her character. She's not a hapless, witless damsel. She's her own person. She has agency.
TiMe tRaVEl wAsN't iNvEnTeD yET. sHe hAD nO cHOicE.
Again, don't insult her. There's always a choice. Instead of clinging to a fantasy,
Peggy CHOSE to push forward.
She moved on from Steve (a man she barely knew), co-founded & eventually led an empire, SHIELD.
Tony pushed forward after his parents died in a "car crash".
Peter Parker pushed forward after Uncle Ben died.
Thor pushed forward after his mother was
was killed, his father died, & Loki died, twice.
Nebula pushed forward after Gamora was murdered by their father.
Valkyrie (eventually) pushed forward after her lover was killed by Hela.
All these people kept fighting despite their losses.
They ran towards their problems not away
Also, the people above, lost people in tragic ways (killed/untimely death.) Steve had the peace of mind of knowing that Peggy passed painlessly, after a long fulfilling life. It doesn't compare to those other characters' experiences.
Again, heroism is about doing what's right even if it's hard. Heroes are supposed to be better than the average Karen/Chad. It's WHY they're heroes.
So it doesn't matter if you think "Steve" dID tHe RiGhT tHiNg, Karen/Chad. You're a selfish asshole who wants your hero to stoop to
your uninspiring level of moral ineptitude.
Peggy. Moved. On.
WeLl oBViOusLy PeGgY sHoULd tAKe hIM bAcK wiThOUt qUeSTiOn.
Hey! *snap snap* Watch Avengers Assemble, specifically Season 4, Ep.15.
In it, young Peggy comes to the future. When it's time for her to go back to the past
Steve asks to go with her. She tells him, no. THAT is the real Margaret "Peggy" Carter.
And, get this, Steve *drumroll* respects her wishes đŸ˜±!
He doesn't piss all over her wish for him to move on, by stalking her through time & rewriting her life for his own selfish gain.
Steve wanted to run away and Peggy wasn't having that.
StEVe cAN oNLy bE hApPy iN tHe pAsT.
Oh, shut up. Forward thinking Steve Rogers whose innate morals are decades ahead of the times he was born into can only be happy in the Jim Crow era??? LMAO!
The 21st century isn't perfect
but it's more closely aligned with his morals than the past. Plus he spent 12 years (a third of his young life) acclimatizing to the century. He built a home, a job, a family (Avengers), & a life he's proud of. Plus, he got his soulmate (writers words), Bucky back.
He was set.
It'S a tiMeLoOP. HiM gOiNG bAcK wAs rEQuiReD.
No. M&M are lying. Not only does it contradict how time travel is established to work in the mcu, it's obvious they were planning on Staron to be the goal. The loop theory also makes Peggy the most manipulative liar in this scene 👇.
HoW tHiNgS haPpeN iS tHe 1 iN 14 miLLiOn oPtiOnS.
No. It was confirmed that they only lost to Thanos in IW because they were split up.
How reckless of Steve to make all that suffering repeat in an alt-tl. All for a dANcE. The only reason Steve would go to the past is to FIX IT!
StEVe dEsERvEs a hApPy eNDinG.
I want Steve to be happy. But not at the cost of him becoming a villain; of him becoming the antithesis of who he is & what he stands for. That itself would make Steve miserable and ashamed of himself.
Read, Man Out of Time!
UgH jUsT mOvE oN!
You mean like Steve!? FUCK YOU!!! I'll never move on from this since that's what "Steve's" ending taught me. NEVER move on. Cling to the past. So I guess that's my life now. Thanks EG 👋.
Heroes are supposed to inspire people to do better. Not stunt their moral growth.
Fuck EG.
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