Trans women are being torn apart (and in some cases, tearing each other apart) all over the internet right now, and it is literally breaking my heart. Dear sisters, fierce femmes, we need each other to survive.
There has always been a bitter current of transmisogyny in queer community, and trans women ourselves are not exempt from playing this out. Trauma & disposability culture teach us that the only way to survive is to cling to purity, to attack & destroy those seen as threats
Transformative Justice offers us another option: To see each other as essential strands of the web of survival, even when we disagree or distrust each other. The tools & skills of TJ can allow us create social environment that is safer for us all by de-centring punishment
When a trans woman is attacked, in person or IRL, I beg us all to stop & think before joining the dogpile: What is my intention? How can my actions serve the wellbeing of all, rather than the punishment of one? Does my intention centre the preservation of transfeminine lives?
The legacies of radical queer, feminist, socialist & anarchist thinking pervade activism today. We are good at thinking radically about critique. But where is our radicalism when it comes to building strong communities? What would it take to become extremists for love?
You can follow @razorfemme.
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