from this. to this.
hail to the supreme leader!
a great piece of work! published on the @guardian the western media outlet which is different, from other western capitalist outlets!
i have no words to say...
Park Yeon-mi, North Korean defector and human rights activist who escaped to China. is she a spy made up by the US to improve the recession of the bad images of the DPRK regime? this so fishy!
part 2
part 3
"in a white two-story home flying the Stars and Stripes, Otto grew up the eldest child of a Republican family. Warmbier died on June 19, 2017, six days after his return to the United States when his parents had requested his feeding tube to be removed."
nice thread and fuck the west hail to the king, Supreme leader in China, DPRK, Iran, Brunei, and any the absolute monarchy in the entire world!
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