I'm going to try to get myself back into indie dev mode by focusing on the more creative tasks of adding some new sounds and icons.

I've got 2 main focuses:
- Simple sounds useful for the new mix feature
- Human ambience to simulate sounds we’re all missing right now
I've got a big list of requests from users, but I'm curious to hear your suggestions too. Especially from non-US white guys like me

I've got a big lists of sounds I personally miss (ie Baseball Stadium 😢) but there's a lot sounds many would love that I'm not even aware of
And if you're not already, now's a good time to get on the beta so you can hear/critique these sounds as they come in 😁 https://testflight.apple.com/join/kpKtyijY 
You can follow @_chuckyc.
Tip: mention @twtextapp on a Twitter thread with the keyword “unroll” to get a link to it.

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