Some historical fact that needs to be corrected and its long overdue. "Mzilikazi violently occupied modern Zimbabwe" Its wrong and solely the reason behind this hate we have for eachother. It must be corrected urgently someone had an agenda to create all this unnecessary tension.
It is a public secret that the Ndebele arrived in Zim in two groups. Firstly the one led by Gundwane Ndiweni which consisted of wives and children including the heir apparent to the throne Nkulumane whilst Mzilikazi came later with another group with few men
Part of the Ndebele culture is the 'First Fruits Festival' (Inxwala) wch was led by the King to allow the lawful harvesting of crops. The first group upon arrival cldnt harvest their crops cz the King was still missing which led to the premature installation of Nkulumane as King
The reason behind separating the group into two in the first place was to avoid being destroyed completely by Tshaka & other potential threats along the way & he is said to have been tired of fighting & wanted to settle down as the number of livestock & people was swelling
What then defies logic is the fact that we are told Mzilikazi continued attacking locals upon arrival before meeting with the other group. Yet he is the same guy who was now afraid of attacks & he had a potential civil war to deal with as the other group had their new King now.
It is at this point when the big lie began Mzilikazi entered Zim peacefully as word of the installation of Nkulumane had reached his camp. He wasn't sure of what lay ahead of him & he needed backup & sought peace with local Kalanga Chiefs somewhere around Plumtree....Peace!
It is said a gentleman's agreement was reached which saw Mzilikazi literally paying for the deal using black cows for him to settle in Zim and proceed to his other group accompanied! & the place became known as "Kozimnyama/ Kwezimnyama" Its the black cows paid for the deal,Peace!
That "accompanied!" 👆 might as well be "joined" as the local chiefs had long wanted an army commander to protect them from constant Nguni raids & Mzilikazi was their immediate answer hence they "willingly" joined his group for protection! Again its still peace people!
With local backup he went to the other group where our books record the execution of his Izinduna in modern day Ntabazinduna. Then he settled with locals who paid tribute & in return allowed them to continue with their lives hence the Song "Kwakubusa uMambo loMzilikazi" Peace!
They literally ruled concurrently as part of the clause of the "Kwezimnyama" agreement suspended the attacking of each other & made locals part of the Ndebele state recognising Mzilikazi as their King. Some of the things fell apart under King Lobhengula (a thread for another day)
I am not saying it was all peace no wars but all i am saying is the history of the man behind the unity of the Ndebele & the locals which made us into the country we are today was grossly distorted into a narrative that suited a few individuals to pursue their selfish agendas!
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