Spent this morning reading BBB complaints ranging from years back to just earlier this month, all directed toward a vape company people still push and promote đŸ€”âš ïžđŸ˜†
I looked them up because after I posted the vape I’ve been using people kept asking me how it compares to the other. One you never see me posting promoting or suggesting anyone buys, but they want to know if I like it...? Uhhhh no. There’s a reason you don’t see it on my feed.
But so many people were asking me to compare them, so I started digging. On the better business bureau’s website the complaints go back years and are still coming in.
Some of these purchases and complaints are even after there was a class action lawsuit filed against the company, for knowingly selling vapes that were defective. But people keep wanting them. Why?
Because you’ve seen them. Because the vape company sent their defective vapes (and replacements) to the people you follow to convince you to buy them. If something went wrong you were told YOU had a lemon. Not their issue. Buy another one. It went on for years.
That company asked me to play that game and I said nah. I said if you want to advertise on my page there’s a fee, they said I should be grateful to get. A high end vaporizer. The one they need me to promote and get sales for them of right? Anyway that’s how I KNOW they don’t pay.
So now think about how much content you’ve seen promoting, pushing, suggesting that vape. How many influencers you follow that were just grateful for the vape and sold you on it, making that company endless money, themselves nothing, and risking your purchasing money.
And that’s why I don’t have a puffco peak, never wanted a puffco peak, and feel really bad for everyone who had to buy two just to get one to work. Y’all were swindled but it’s still been brushed under the rug.
It’s hard to be asked to compare such a shitty product/company with one I’ve genuinely enjoyed using, watched grow and use hemp for packaging, respectfully pay their content creators AND give gifts, and just not be overall shitty. There’s no comparison to me on product or people.
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