No, blanket censorship is not the answer.

BUT it is SUPREMELY FUCKED UP the degree to which fanfic culture normalizes the fetishization & romanticization of pedophilia & abuse, & that it’s HUNDREDS of magnitudes easier to find fic w questionable consent than healthy, safe sex.
I don’t need to be a book burner to be skeeved out that multiple of the most popular pairings on AO3 are teenager/adult, or the percentage of fics are essentially rape, & no, not in a way that warns for it, in a way that treats the violation of boundaries/consent as normal sex.
I don’t need to be an Evil Puritan to say that fandom should be having some goddamn serious conversations about what sexual dynamics we prioritize, to the point I am *genuinely surprised* to encounter a fic where characters discuss boundaries, consent & practice safe sex.
I’m tired of being treated like an asshole for saying depictions of actual, healthy sex between two adults that acknowledges emotions, consent, and safe sex practices, should not be the deviation from the norm, or that fandom should take more responsibility for what we value.
Tl:dr I’m not pro censorship I’m just goddamn bored and exhausted by having to wade through a cesspool of rapey shit, zero safe words, unsafe sex, outright rape, and emotionally unhealthy dynamics, presented as sexy, romantic, & compelling, when I read fic.
Fandom can do better.
In b4 the “you’re just anti-kink”

nah, I just don’t think your kinks are literally the only important thing in the entire universe, or that we shouldn’t interrogate some of the shit that underlies them
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