The @BlackAmCaucus is putting on an excellent twitter townhall using #unbanked and addressing the direct impact #COVID19 is having on black lives.

I’ll be sharing some of the housing topics in this thread but definitely check out each question for yourself.
Here’s a list of the panelists participating and sharing their expertise on the impact of the pandemic upon black life:
After establishing that blacks have largely been left out of the SBA relief loans, the next question to the panel was:
In this answer from @JoshuaPoe_Lou he directly connects citizenship to property rights and ownership: thus the denial of one is the denial of the other.
Today, we tend to think of property as real estate, and it is, but do bear in mind that for hundreds of years, “property” was that of human bodies and the labor they produced. #unbanked
But the ties are closer than you think. Slaves were also used as collateral for #mortgages. You can learn more about that here:
Going back to the question from @BlackAmCaucus about *why* this group is excluded, here is another answer:
In 1968 with the passing of the Fair Housing Act, blacks had 41% home ownership.

In 4Q19, blacks had roughly the same level of homeownership, hovering at 44%, down from an all-time high of 49.7% in 2004.
This next question from @BlackAmCaucus asks directly who the #unbanked and #unhoused are, which as I’ve shared before (Re housing) is majority black.

40% of overall homeless and 52% of homeless families are black.
This answer from @MehrsaBaradaran introduced a new term to me: banking desert
Again, @JoshuaPoe_Lou with the facts:
This question brought the 🔥 from @JoshuaPoe_Lou. Wait for it...
Follow this thread-answer from @JoshuaPoe_Lou about why African Americans are more likely to be #unhoused and #unbanked
It’s no coincidence that Russell is also undergoing #gentrification and has been labeled an #opportunityzone
Last question I’ll share from @BlackAmCaucus #unbanked
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