the Vox link about the LA bicycle highway (& more!) is an oldie (2015) but a goodie:
"The sidepaths of Rochester, Chicago, Minneapolis, and Los Angeles"

( @josephstromberg, author of that Vox piece, cites 2013 paper: "The Sidepath Not Taken:
Bicycles, Taxes, & the Rhetoric of the Public Good in the 1890s" by historian James Longhurst aka @laxbikeguy)
here'a the link to the 2013 paper, in the Journal of Policy History: 
..but seems like it prob got folded into this 2015 book by Longhurst: "Bike Battles: A History of Sharing the American Road" 
those sidepaths (late 1890s/early 1900s?) evidently inspired by the success of an earlier such piece of 19c bike infrastructure cited in the Vox piece that I'm familiar with: the Coney Island Cycle Path!

aka Ocean Parkway:
re the history of the Coney Island Cycle Path, the Vox piece links to the website for @carltonreid's 2015 book "Roads Were Not Built for Cars: How Cyclists Were the First to Push for Good Roads & Became the Pioneers of Motoring"
(I haven't biked Ocean Parkway in a couple years, but coincidentally we were just talking about doing it all the way down to Coney sometime this that the kids have finally learned to bike over the past 6 weeks of social distancing!)
..and Reid's website (and presumably book) has a section on it too:
Couple addendums to this thread re late 19c/early 20c American bicycle infrastructure, from the authors cited above!
and this:
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