I'm legally obligated to livetweet Love Never Dies while S and I watch it
feel free to destroy me but like tbh the drama of LND is why it's enjoyable not necessarily bc it's a good piece of work
is this entire watch gonna be me and @werewolfau thinking of Ramin? Probably
Phantom: how does one remain anonymous?

Someone: you can go by Mr. Y

Phantom: That’s good. That’s really good. I’ll name the place Phantasma.

Someone: Uh....
the way Phantom's character music is SO GOOD but his personality is rancid is so tragic
my lack of taste manifests in thinking 'Beneath A Moonless Sky' slaps
ALW said "The Phantom of the Opera FUCKS"
I'm gonna SCREAM
my monkey brain: Phantom coat design sexi
Phantom sees Gustave play piano ONCE and turns to Raoul for parental rights exactly like this
'Devil Take The Hindmost' I care u
I refuse to believe that *** has ever met a woman
oh Ben Lewis your voice......
how are there still about 20 mins left oh my god
Gustave recreating the "Happy birthday, Raven! I can't swim" vine
The Phantom really mentioned Christine at the worst possible time like a whole fucking idiot I truly hate this man and his tunnel vision
what a time to be alive
OKAY Continuing on this thread with Phantom of The Opera 25th Anniversary Production so I can say Ramin's Phantom has rights
Damn I sure do believe that Hadley is a little old man....this is astounding.
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