feeling so bored and wanting attention so 1 like = 1 hot take
israel is an apartheid state guilty of ethnic cleansing but lots of people on the left are guilty of treating it as exclusively evil and applying double-standards by not calling-out human rights abuses in other nations as well
jeremy corbyn is a centre-left social democrat
most gay, cis white men are just as guilty as their heterosexual counterparts of reinforcing oppressive structures of transphobia, misogyny and racism
hummus is the greatest food known to mankind
the labour party and conservative party really don't actually differ much in quite a few of their policies and past actions in government
the reason you struggle to read kant, hegel or other dead, white male philosophers isn't because you're not clever: it's because much of western philosophy is vacuous sophistry
christopher eccleston is far and away one of the greatest actors to have ever graced our television screens
being friends with a tory supporter is not the same as being friends with a tory MP
new atheists like richard dawkins and sam harris are driven by a thinly-veiled imperialist and white supremacist mindset
ru paul's drag race is a deeply problematic show
stop hating on noam chomsky so much: there are infinitely worse philosophers/public intellectuals out there
the terms "blairite", "corbynite" etc. are completely and utterly meaningless
there are so many labour members/supporters on here who are blatant careerists
oxford and cambridge should be abolished and i can say this from my own, unpleasant first-hand experience
"democracy" is one of the hardest words to define in the english language
many of the people who have recently thrown a tantrum over labour members mildly praising lenin are the same people who uncritically stan attlee without consideration for the offence this may cause to those of bengali and other ethnic minority backgrounds
being vegan/vegetarian actually makes you in no way shape or form a better person
fleabag is good but it's incredibly overrated and the second season is disappointing
way too many people on the left fetishise old, white male socialists and prioritise class analysis way too much over other liberation issues
paul mason may seem like just a delusional idiot but he's actually a disgusting bigot and nobody on the left should associate with him at all
the same goes for laura pidcock, ken livingstone, ken loach, kerry anne mendoza, clive lewis and so many others i can't name them all lol
stop larping neil kinnock's 1985 conference speech and making fancams of him: it's embarrassing and just saying the quiet part out loud
we really need to acknowledge the failure of former socialist states like the USSR in dealing with climate change
same-sex marriage isn't equality
stop thirsting over every decent-looking politician: it is incredibly disconcerting and inappropriate
anarchists/libsocs and marxist-leninists actually have a lot more in common than both care to admit and you're both on the same side
cats and dogs are both just as good as each other
if you admire tony blair and praise the positive achievements of the new labour government while ignoring its more abhorrent aspects, you clearly don't care about racism
the age of consent should be raised to 18, in line with the age of majority
cars should be banned
the mike gapes memes were never that funny and any comedic element they may have had has been exhausted
friends is such an unfunny tv series: i legitimately do not understand why people enjoy it
humanities subjects shouldn't have timed examinations
if you want to become a politician and prominent on the global stage, you really should be able to speak at least one other language
if you believe that the labour party is theoretically the sole vehicle in establishing socialism, you are not a socialist
having a regional accent =/= working-class. likewise, speaking received pronunciation =/= middle/upper-class
bernie sanders was the compromise
the voting age should remain at 18
pepsi > coca-cola
much of bjork's music is unnecessarily inaccessible
it really is socialism or barbarism
liberation theology is incredibly interesting and should be discussed and celebrated more by the left
much of the criticism received by the jewish labour movement is actually just rooted in antisemitism and is conspiratorial garbage
the indiana jones film series is just awful
stop correcting people's grammar and spelling: it's the height of privilege
pineapple belongs on pizza, actually
the european union has overseen and committed some truly hideous things and noone who is remotely left-leaning should support it
'the metamorphosis' by franz kafka is the greatest short story ever written
using guilt by association as a criticism is often invalid and resorted to when any other convincing argument has been exhausted
bounties are a god tier chocolate
if the NHS didn't exist and were being proposed as an idea today, a good chunk if not most labour MPs would be opposed to it
the smiths are an incredibly dull and overrated band
there has never been a good prime minister
and, my final hot take of this thread: we should all log off!
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