Is there a recording of that 'Maggi leads to equality' talk? I really wanted to attend that.

Here it is 😁
Will share learnings with you all. Don't you worry.
Might not go down well, but Amita Baviskar hs a good book on the Narmada valley. Particularly highlighting the agitation by tribals on the Sardar Sarovar project.
Had read it for a Anthro paper during Masters. It's a good read though not many following me might like it 🙂
Not bad till now. She has correctly identified changing diet patterns in rural India with processed foods becoming aspirational fr people. This has an impact on nutrition levels of children because it ticks all boxes for parents (my addition). Aspirational,cheap, quick to prepare
Finally entered expected bizarre territory with references to Dalits consuming Beef and hiding the information because of stigma!
Pretty sure now she will go into no stigma associated with Maggi and hence Maggi becomes cultural unifier!
Keen to know if this is a funded study!!
Indigenous crops are dying in tribal areas as mainstream staples and processed food become aspirational.
A topic which has a lot of potential with so many farmers moving from millets or rice to wheat farming has been reduced to Beef and Hindutva and Maggi 🙄
Someone with real interest in the topic could do so much more with this. But Beef and Hindutva and Patriarchy etc sell. So package any nonsense like that and it will work.
Thankfully, there are actual practitioners focusing on slow and indigenous food movements in India.
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