overshare time pt2!

i kinda feel like college has been maybe the best era (?) for me? i kinda, maybe, felt idk sad? confused? a lot until mid school. high school was me coming to terms with myself, my own thoughts, feelings, capabilities, comfort zone, etc
+ though compared to other school days era, hs was maybe somewhat the best one bc maybe i was the least confused? kinda just...idk felt like i took a deep breath before running?
college is the happiest so far though. i get to let myself feel a lot of things. coming to terms with reality a little more. feels like i'm constantly running now. but it's okay?
i wanna die less though! (i mean the thought still comes here and there but way less than before). sure i still get scared a lot but i'm coming to terms with it! i know how to handle it? well not really but at least a little bit!
kinda like that saying "if i can't be happy, i'll be content with just okay" (idk where that's from. maybe jonny sun?)
maybe it's also because of bts? i've been listening to them since high school but them helping me out through the searching for college era and early college era really helped me out a lot
i've become somewhat more positive? and trying a little bit to step out of my comfort zone, but enough to still make myself feel comfortable?
idk point is I didn't think i'd live this far but it's been fun! i hope it'll always get better! ^__^
i do hope/wish everyone who reads this (im so sorry if u did read this thread), everyone around you, my friends, everyone around them, my family, everyone around my family, everyone around me, will only ever experience good health and more happiness day by day from now on!
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