Internal Medicine residency as explained Drag Race GIFs, a thread:
When your patient complains about being made NPO
When you’re asked to put in a central line
When the attending tears apart your assessment and plan in front of the seniors, med students, pharmacists, and nurses
Showing up to cover the COVID floors after two weeks off
When the intensivist and consultants get into a shouting match over patient care
Five hours into ICU rounds and you haven’t discussed half the list
Avoiding touching anything with your dirty hands but you’re super thirsty
When you admit a SNF patient after reviewing their chart and ID picture and then you go in the room to evaluate them
When the cardiologist is mad at you for calling them about a cardiac alert
When you read progress notes that have been copied and pasted with no changes in five days
Residents during grand rounds that are clearly meant for the attendings
When you get your first paycheck after no steady income for four years of med school
When your med student presents the patient perfectly AND gives an out of the box suggestion that the attending loves
When the irate patient thinks you’re making more money by keeping them in the hospital
When you cite studies for your reason for treatment
What it feels like when hospital administration gives you pizza instead of PPE
When the patient’s nurse calls the team’s phone
Posing with your long white coat for the first time
When you make your way to the fifth code blue of the night
How you react to the child that has *suddenly* appeared thirty years later despite having never communicated with the family
Day 1 of residency and you have 10 patients and question if it all was worth it
And finally, internal medicine residents reading this thread
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