My first thoughts should not be #areyoumymummy especially when the scene is definitively not humorous

"Harry, I'm standing on a land mine."
and Harry's response is to very patiently try to help. I love. #DoIHavetheRight
"Don't be difficult, Harry."
'Don't you argue, Doctor."

Isn't this right after the serial where Four declares Harry an imbecile because if so -chef kiss- growth!

K-A-L-E-D-S why that's an anagram for.. interesting
Theories on what the Doctor and Harry are:
- robots
- mutos
- civilians
- thals

Can they actually distinguish other Kaleds via some sense, or do they just know they've not fought with them so they MUST be some sort of Other

"This is what the Kaleds will become."
growly green light

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