I went to college at a place with this kind of mentality (Taylor University).“Victory in Christ” has nothing to do with having depression. Those who saw themselves this way treated me like a burden. That’s how they saw me. That’s what this thinking does.
https://secretladyspider.wordpress.com/2019/04/12/freshman-year/ https://twitter.com/coffeewithrach/status/1254232178059210753
Wanting treatment and acceptance got my mental health isn’t seeing myself as a “victim”. It’s looking after my mental health. I’ve been hospitalized six times. This is a part of my health, and this mentality is literally dangerous for mentally ill people. It kills.
Please, educate yourself. This is dangerous and ableist. Mental illness is far beyond the scope of depression and anxiety, but even if it wasn’t, telling people they need “Victory in Christ” when they may need therapy, medication, or both is grossly irresponsible and ignorant.
I am a victim of abuse. I have been abused by people who thought my mental health was a burden while publicly they preached support for people like me. I am also a survivor of abuse. And I will take care of myself in ways that keep me alive. And this? This isn’t it.
You are probably shrugging this off as you are many of the comments on this post. But we are people and whether we believe in your religion or not, we should be listened to, not treated as if we just need to pray harder. You can learn. I hope you do. I really, truly hope you do.
To be clear: you can be religious and take medication or go to therapy. But your tweets and all responses to criticism show that you fall into the “pray harder, don’t get help for a real medical problem” crowd and it’s massively stigmatizing as well as dangerous.
Listen to our stories. Listen to those who are angry at this; it isn’t random, it isn’t without reason. Learn. There are many people, myself included, who know the harm this theology causes. Please, educate yourself, and stop spreading it around.
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