I’m sick and tired of reading pathetic articles like this about female actors. I don’t see anything written about what male actors are wearing or posting on their social media!? This such blatant sexism (especially the acting industry) that once again gets completely ignored.
A lot of these articles are even written by women!? Sis what the fuck are you doing, they should be ashamed that they’re apart of this kind of shameless misogyny
It’s these kind of pathetic news sources that don’t have anything factual to send out, so they’re scraping the barrel with objectifying articles about young females, and it’s actually fucking disgraceful
Literally everything I’ve circled or underlined is exactly what I mean, and if anyone even tries to tell me that “sexism doesn’t exist in this industry” or even “sexism doesn’t exist periodt” then idk with you, I really don’t
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