I've built several income streams for myself over the last 6 years.

Here's a guide for those looking to build one/multiple of their own.

I'll assume you're starting with 0 streams of income and start there.

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Standard method is to get a job. Though it varies depending on the job, generally this is secure and stable and the best starting point for 90% of people.

This is simple, you get relevant qualifications and go through an application process.

Ignore idiots shitting on 9-5s.
The non conventional method is to develop your own source of income.
There's the direct skill method and the indirect skill method.
Direct skill method involves developing a skill set that is valuable that you can be paid for.
For example programming, graphic design, video editing, web development, social media marketing, copywriting, trading... The list goes on.

Thanks to the internet you can learn any of these for free.

Direct skill development is your next best choice after getting a job.
3. Now indirect skill development is another method I've found that works for building an income stream but works best when you already have a primary one.

This has two parts investing in your own development and exposing yourself to opportunity.
Investing in your own development is extremely difficult.

This is a continuous grind to improve yourself in every way you can; improve your people skills, improve your current skills, improve your appearance, improve your mental health, improve your physical health,
improve your mathematical ability, improve your communication skills, improve your reasoning skills, increase your knowledge of any field you see opportunity in, improve anything to increase the probability of being able to take advantage of any business opportunity you encounter
Only consistency matters here.

10 minutes a day for 10 years is better than 7 hours a day for a month followed by inconsistency.

These improvements compound overtime and eventually make you a magnet for opportunity.
Next is exposing yourself to opportunity, I'll start by presenting some examples.

Started a business that made me great money for 6 months because I talked to the person sat next to me on a plane. I happened to have the communication skills and skillset at the right time.
Once when visiting a construction site for an apartment complex for work. They were showing me around, it was a conversion of a very old building. They showed me these giant old wooden pillars that they said could no longer be made along with floorboards and other materials.

They were paying a lot to remove them.

After researching, I realized that the materials were worth a lot (not a lot to them given their scale). Had them pay me to remove it for them and I had a buyer pay me to pick it up for me.

Made 5 figures on that, great for 2 days work.
In 2017 I found a guy on reddit living in country X. We worked together to make a fortune arbitraging crypto prices from our respected countries.

I could sit here all day giving you examples from the last 6 years.
The primary benefit of twitter is to exposing to more opportunities.

You can find them in your workplace, you can find them on an airplane, you can find them playing a video game, you can find them on twitter...

But you need to make yourself a magnet for them.
So that's how I'd develop a stream of income,

To develop more you do more of the exact same things.

Try to never be too dependent on any one source.

I hope this tweet storm helps you reach your goals.
You can follow @KoroushAK.
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