The internet is great, for so many reasons. But, I’m thinking it would be better if we weren’t connected to it 24/7. Looking at my phone, my iPad, and my laptop - I am on one of them nearly all day. Maybe it’s time to revisit getting a “dumb” phone and ditching the iPad.
I mean, we’re all here because we are attention whores. Instagram, TikTok, SnapChat, Twitter, Facebook. We want the response, the Like, the Heart. We feed off it. And if you say you don’t, you’re lying. We all do. We are seeking validation for our thoughts and our opinions.
What could life be like if you used the internet for just information, when you need it? Rather just floating from app to app, seeing if someone interacted with something you wrote or posted? Why else do we put pictures on Instagram?
If it were just for you, you could keep the picture in your photo library. But it isn’t. And it isn’t for me, either. I think we are doing way more harm than good to ourselves by constantly checking our devices. Way more.
Does anyone else feel the same way? Yep - I’m asking for your thoughts. Exactly what I’m talking about in this thread. I really do think using the internet as a tool, rather than as a sounding board, would make us all better off. But maybe it’s just me that as this issue.
You can follow @davddot.
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