This is what Orcs look like. Black people don't look like orcs you fucking retards.
Let's get into the nitty: Every humanoid in rpgs in some capacity has a real world parallel. Orcs are a reflection of TRIBAL behavior and culture. Tribal cultures have been literally everywhere and they are a 'survival of the fittest' loveletter.
If you associate barbarism and raiding to modern ethnicities you're not only racist yourself, you've admitted to not acknowledging the current state of people as a whole. Most cultures have ceased these behaviors and it's been in decline for generations.
Orcs were made in a time where such cultures could still be actively observed and thus their concept is one that is increasingly a preservation of a point in time where such tribes existed. They seized territory by force, killed one another and abused their familiars.
To take the concept of Orcs and call it problematic is ignorant and a blatant fishing line cast out to bend a hobby to your image. It's not YOUR hobby and you can sit on a fat dick. If you want to play real life, go do shit in real life.
Addendum: Dwarves are not analogous to the jewish, they're derivative of vikings.
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