It is in the early morning hours #OTD in 1865 that the 16th NY Cavalry, charged with finding Booth, arrives at the Garrett Farm. 12 days after the murder of Abraham Lincoln, his killer has been found. #CivilWar #Lincoln155
Once they discover that Booth & Herold are in the tobacco barn, a stand-off ensues between the assassin & the Cavalry. Herold, saying he has no idea who Booth is, willingly leaves the barn & is marched away from the barn by Lt Edward Doherty. #Lincoln155
Booth refuses to give himself up & eventually the barn is set ablaze. Watching his every move from outside the barn is Sergeant Boston Corbett....

"My mind was upon him attentively to see that he did no harm; & when I became impressed that it was time, I shot him. I took steady aim on my arm & shot him through a large crack in the barn" - Sergeant Boston Corbett on shooting John Wilkes Booth.
Booth is paralyzed, having been shot in the neck. He is taken to the porch of the Garrett House. His voice barely above a whisper, Booth asks to see his hands. As he looks at them, he says his final words.

"Useless, useless"

As the sun rises #OTD in 1865, John Wilkes Booth dies
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