Just seen Paul Joseph Watson's epic (but concerning) meltdown on twitter dot com and am praying for him, the basement he dwells in, his wall map, and that he respects his nan when she calls him up for supper. Here if you want to chat, Prison Paul. Oh that's right, you blocked me.
I kind of feel sorry for Paul Joseph Watson for having such a tiny and insignificant penis. He's finally letting all those years of incel rage out because *checks notes* Piers Morgan blocked him. Mad that that, out of everything, was Prison Paul's tipping point.
His timeline is fucking exhausting. The man's a grade A incel, has been for years, that blocks anyone with an opposing opinion. He's also a hack that peddles a xenophobic, racist, and misogynistic rhetoric day in day out. He's a toxic worm making a living off of hate and smears.
Part of me wants to believe Paul Joseph Watson's account has been hacked, because the mortifying things he's coming out with leads me to imagine him swaddled in a world map, whilst weeping into the pages of his tatty copy of Mein Kampf.
Oh no, the PJW incel army are entering the mentions 🙈
Prison Paul just decided to unblock me so he could unleash an almighty dogpile. His followers are racist, rabid, low IQ incel types, so I'm getting some charming comments. What a lovely, secure, intelligent, and extremely handsome bachelor Paul is. His nan must be so very proud!
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