I generally try to stay away from "TEH MEDIA" conspiracy theories outside of noting the general bias but man CNN disappearing that Larry King episode where Tara Reade's mother called in just stinks to high heaven.
Open to explanations as to what innocent motive could exist for removing it after it became prominent as contemporaneous evidence of Reade's allegations against Biden.
Some responses are tellingly off-point: sure, Reade's mom (and let's not kid ourselves, there's no way Read could've cited "my mom called in to King!" if it hadn't actually happened, she didn't review 1,000 hours of tape) doesn't mention sexual assault. But that's not the point.
The point is: why did THIS ONE EPISODE in the CNN online archives suddenly get taken down? Explain that to me. What is the decisionmaking process here, other than "protect Biden." I am open to explanations, but you need to address the takedown, not whether you believe Reade.
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