why i strongly dislike zack hall

-an important thread
this really needs to be spoken about. i dont care if he was "just joking", he is in a position of power with a job comprised mostly of minors. if anybody in the band did this, they would be cancelled.

im not discrediting the GOOD actions of him, many fans have had
positive interactions with him, he has also given away free signed stuff, merchandice, tickets and more. but this stuff really needs to be pointed out
heres an experience from a fan that came out very recently, have a read of the thread https://twitter.com/slowtownwhore/status/1254300889231196161?s=19
how horribly he treated dallon, a VERY IMPORTANT READ https://twitter.com/stream1981ep/status/1138940572956266496?s=09
watch this youtube clip (not mine)
he created a nudes wallpaper from nudes he recieved on snapchat and then boasted about it, not knowing if any of the nudes were from minors. if you are in a position of power, you should not be abusing it. he should have just ignored them as you cannot confirm the ages
ableism and weight shaming. as someone with an ed, the last photo makes me so mad. it was also making fun of real life starvation which is a major issue?
misogyny (i would hope that my skills in the workplace would be something valued over than my body looking good. i would feel extremely uncomfortable if a random guy said that about me
generaly just being an asshole
i watched a periscope where zack was humping into a toy a fan gave brendon. it made me very uncomfortable and its very disrespectful to the fan. imagine if you gave b a gift just to watch his bodyguard hump into it? (my copy and paste just stopped working but its this video)
i would like to say that im not cancelling him, just bringing to light some behaviours which many people would get mad at, but because people try to suck up to him (him being friends with brendon) a lot of people dont call this behaviour out. i would like to reiterate that he has
done many good things, and that he does a lot for panic, such as taking extra jobs that he doesnt need to do ie fan mail, but it doesnt excuse the shit hes done (especially as he hasnt apologised for it)
just a quick note: i didnt add my own proof for what zack did to dallon as theres already a whole thread about it (which i attatched near the beginning) so read that
just found some more stuff, heres him just generally being gross
him making a "triggered" joke. im more lenient on this one as many people make this sort of joke (inc me in the past- although i understand now why that is a harmful thing), so he may not understand why uts harmful to invalidare peoples actual triggers
SOME EXTREMELY IMPORTANT INFORMATION!! i have just been contacted by the person who wrote the thread im about to attatch, and im actually disgusted. it gives an inclination that zack knew about the whole k*enny scandal https://twitter.com/ribcagelive/status/1199854406054957056?s=19
psa: if youre gonna defend him, ask yourself "am i defending him because he is friends with brendon urie?"

if the answer is yes and you continue to defend him, you are too young for this app. grow up
this thread is so fucked up sorry https://twitter.com/idnhow/status/1287150967637639170?s=20
and breezys experience he is so gross i am so sorry to anyone effected by him xx
heres dallon basically confirming hes a dick
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