Animal Crossing Journal Day 20! (We went to the island!)

Current map layout:
It’s raining again.
Saharah came to town, but I have no carpet to spare.
I was setting up my Game Boy Advance SP, so my avatar was left staring into Nook’s eyes for a whole minute.
I literally read a bulletin this morning saying a pitfall had been buried in E-5.
My stomach filled with butterflies when I saw Kapp’n for the first time in probably 14 years.
On my way to the best island in the world!
Hey, don’t call me a ho.
The weather is clear and the flowers are in bloom.
Look, I am not like a closeted furry or something. I just want to know if Bliss listens to Death Grips, that’s all.
My island home needs some work.
There’s such a nice variety of fish to catch on this island.
B- baka...
Island shawty only has an umbrella and no belongings.
Caught a new bug!
Went back home. It’s still raining.
Luckily with my GBA I can obsess over my island shawty and feed her coconuts.
What the fuck did I come back to? Don’t you know only Iggy can paint my roof, dumbass?!
Damn, he’s actually wearing the shirt I sent him.
He got me cherries!
Unintentional Some Rap Songs aside, I planted the cherries in my backyard. Might start a garden of fruit trees.
This arc better have substance outside of these conversations.
Spoke to the museum.
Betty is mad.
Zoe is also mad now.
Aww, as a reward for an errand, Apollo got me a two-ball shirt to match his six-ball shirt. Now we’re pool buddies!

What a wholesome ending to this thread!
Thus concludes Day 20!

Very lovely time!
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