I think a piece that is getting left out of these conversations in radical circles about beef processing is that most consumers don’t have the cash to buy a side of beef or the storage capacity.
We live in a society where pre-COVID 1 in 6 were food insecure. Where 70% of Americans had less than $1000 in savings.

So while custom processing solves some food choice desires for some families, it is not a solution for everyone.
It is not our responsibility to dictate food choice. It is irresponsible for us to fear monger among consumers about product that inherently comes from our own ranches. (Imports are blending with domestic 50’s before you freaking start.)
There is no absolutes. We need more local processing. We need more regional processing. We need more of Callicrates mobile units. We need more majors.

Creating fear about processing is irresponsible. Especially given no one outlet satisfies every consumers need.
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