Yes, we’re gonna say it because you can’t. The best way to ensure that you’re pro-black is building a family, wealth & adding to the growth of the community with a black partner if you’re also black.

The only thing we got with interracial dating is the right to do so. -cont’d-
White people don’t collectively put their wealth back into the black community. White people don’t tend to teach their mixed children how to embrace their black side. How could they? They don’t even know how to approach the situation. & of course they wanna instill some customs -
Traditions, ideals, values and morals into their children which may directly affect their black side.

White people also don’t help black people as a collective and if they truly wanted racism, bigotry, prejudice, police brutality, mass incarceration & discrimination whether -
It’s job/career based or day to day, it wouldn’t take a lot of effort on their part to end it for black people. At all. They literally hold the power to cease most, if not all forms of white supremacy.

But why don’t they? Because it benefits them. And who would end a system -
That collectively benefits every aspect of their lives? No one. If the shoe was on the other foot, I don’t think black people would relinquish that power either. 🤷🏽‍♀️

Also, you have to note that when a black partner is “accepted” by a white partner, they cling toward their society
And tend to leave their own. You’ll see this person change themselves to fit in more with white society. Their demeanor, attitude, clothing styles, grammar...etc.

Rarely does a black person date a white one & keep pro-blackness in mind. They’re trying to appease their partner.
And when you go home to that white man or white woman, you’re not thinking “What can I do to make the black community better?”.

You’re more so thinking, “What can I do to make my man/woman happy?” On a day to day basis, which forces you to distance yourself from pro-blackness.
And place majority of your attention on his or her wants & needs, rather than the ones for your own community.

Having a black partner who is also pro-black eliminates all of that because you’re consistently thinking on how to better the community WITH them. & you have the same-
End goal. Both of you have the same agenda. Both of you want your family to continue to be black for generations to come. Both of you want to distribute wealth back into your own (the same) community. Both of your raise your children to do the same.

It’s balanced. ⚖️
How can you be pro black if your love isn’t even balanced? 🤷🏽‍♀️ Baby, you can’t. Cuz you’re gonna be so busy trying to treat your “trophy”, “deity”, “god”, “prize” (cuz some of y’all act like it’s nothing better than a white man/woman) like a king or queen that your nose will be
Too open to realize your own problems and issues anymore. 🤣

You’re gonna have your head stuck up their ass looking crazy looking like Michelle & Chad.

Or looking like that black athlete who got his ass beat by his racist white wife.
And I’m not gonna feel sorry for you because you think you can be pro-black AND date a white person. 🤣

Ima be laughing at you.
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